Curated Models and Related ModelBricks

Publication ModelBricks
Dynamics of regulatory and signaling pathways in the cell
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 12648679)
Phosphorylation of PLB by AKAP7 and PKA
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 26027516)
PDGF regulated activation of Src
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 24034255)
Rho GTPase regulation by RhoGDI & GAP interactions
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 25628036)
Repressilator: A Synthetic Oscillatory Network
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 10659856)
Cut out Switch: Rab5 to Rab7 convertion
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 18628746)
Minimal model for mitotic oscillator
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 1833774)
Methionine and Threonine Pathways: The Branch - Point
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 14622248)
HIV latency: Protein interactions & innate immune response
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 24997239)
Circaidan clock control by short and long FRQ protein
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 18277380)
Coupled Ca2+ oscillators
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 12779457)
Positive feedback in mitosis
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 27768873)
Auxin regulation of root gravitropism
(Curated VCell model, PMID: 22393022)